In september of 2015, I got the opportunity to help Nick Veenhof present at the Belgian DrupalCamp in Leuven about Search API. Since that first time, I presented a few more times, here’s an overview of all of them.
- Drupal Mountain Camp 2025: Successfully contributing on
- Drupal Mountain Camp 2024: Configuration Validation in Drupal Core
- DrupalCamp Ghent 2024: Configuration Validation in Drupal Core
- PHP-Leuven Meetup: Monoliths don’t need to be painful (not about drupal)
- DrupalCon 2024: Configuration Validation in Drupal Core
- DrupalCamp Berlin 2024: Configuration Validation in Drupal Core
- Drupal Mountain Camp 2023: Test Driven Development workshop: Building a wordle clone in Drupal
- Drupal Dev Days Ghent 2022: Building Google like search experiences without busting the bank (more info)
- DrupalCon Prague 2022: Building Google like search experiences without busting the bank
- Drupal Day Lisbon 2022: Building Google like search experiences without busting the bank
- Drupal Tech talks Netherlands 2018: Facets under the hood (more info)
- Drupal Europe 2018: Bringing the Search API to drupal core (more info)
- This was a core conversation, not a typical presentation, see more info in Drupal’s idea queue
- DrupalCamp Ghent 2018: Search API Best practices (more info)
- Drupal night (Zaventem): Search API ecosystem in drupal 8
- DrupalCamp Iceland 2017: Search API ecosystem in drupal 8
- DrupalCamp Antwerp 2017: Search API ecosystem in drupal 8
- DUGBE: Search API ecosysteem in drupal 8 (more info)
- DrupalCamp Ghent: Search API ecosystem in drupal 8 (more info)
- _DrupalCon Dublin: Search API ecosystem in drupal 8 (more info)
- DUGBE: Cacheability metadata in drupal 8 (more info)
- Drupal Ironcamp: Search API ecosystem in drupal 8
- Dinner with Drupal: Search API ecosystem in drupal 8 (more info)
- DrupalCamp Leuven: State of Search, solr and facets in drupal 8. (with Nick veenhof) (more info)
- DrupalCamp Leuven: Q&A drupal 8. (with Nick veenhof, Wim Leers, Pieter Frenssen, Kristof De Jaeger, Lauri Eskola) (more info)